Annual General Meeting Resolutions
The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of The Cyprus Cement Public Company Ltd was held on 21st June 2019. At the Annual General Meeting the following resolutions were approved:
1.The Management Report and the Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2018, were approved.
2. The payment of a dividend out of the profits of the year 2018 amounting to €2.408.190,00 and corresponding to €0,0175 per share was approved.
The Record Date for the dividend is Wednesday 10th July 2019, i.e. Inventors that will purchase shares at the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) before market close on 8th July 2019 (Last Cum Date) will be entitled to the dividend. Furthermore, shareholders entitled to the dividend will also be the holders of shares based on an off-exchange transfer to be completed by the record date. The ex- dividend date is Tuesday 9th July 2019.
The dividend will be paid to the shareholders until Friday 26th July 2019.
3. The Directors Messrs. Antonis Antoniou Latouros and Michalis Mousiouttas who were retired by rotation were re-elected as members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
4. It was resolved that the Directors’ remuneration for the year 2019 will remain to €1.000,00 for each member. It was also resolved that the Audit Committee remuneration will remain to €1.000,00 for each member.
5. PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd were re-appointed as the Company’s Auditors and the Board of Directors was authorized to determine their remuneration for year 2019 at a later stage.
Extraordinary General Meeting Resolutions
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company which was held immediately after the end of the Annual General Meeting, the following Special Resolution was approved:
Special Resolution
The Amendment of the Company’s Memorandum of Association regarding the objects/operations for which the Company is established, with the addition at Company’s objects of the following paragraph:
«The company will also be engaged in business such as the purchase, installation, development and operation of power stations (factories) for the production of electricity from renewable or non-renewable sources, sale of electricity, any type of construction and electrical operations and the production of static and architectural studies in relation to renewable energy sources such as wind-energy parks, photovoltaics etc, trading of equipment related to energy saving, the production of electricity, such as mechanical, electronic machinery etc., the provision of services and consulting on energy and saving production and renewable energy sources. It will also have the power to import, distribute, sell, install and generally trade machinery or systems and provide services in relation to electricity production, energy saving, photovoltaic and wind-energy power and alternative energy sources. To trade such systems as photovoltaic panels, inverters, accumulators, charge regulators, wind turbines, bases – accessories, autonomously systems, hybrid systems, interconnected, water pumps, energy-saving systems, and to create, install or participate in power stations from renewable or non-renewable sources».
C.C.C. Secretarial Ltd
Limassol, 21st June 2019